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5 BEGINNER BLOG TIPS from a Full-time Blogger 2021

hey guys and welcome to my blog tip, where I share my helpful vlog tips every single Tuesday in today's I want to give you my top five beginner vlog tips that I think will really help set you guys up for success now for those of you who don't know who I am my name, is Whitney bonds and I created the website tried and true mom jobs I was able to turn into a six-figure business in under two years and I am literally convinced that if I can do it anybody can so now that I have my blog pretty much on autopilot I decided to start. 

If you are a blogger or you're thinking about starting a blog make sure you hit that subscribe button and then hit the bell for notifications so you don't miss out on a blog tip for the series I'm calling blog tip Tuesday I'm also learning when you post a video to youtube likes it when people like it.

So if you learned anything from this video I love it if you could just give it a thumbs up and then leave me a comment in the comment section below just let me know if this was helpful to you in any way I'm also going to share the most important thing bloggers have to understand if they want to be a successful blogger so make sure you guys stay tuned for that now my first tip for you guys is to find your purpose for blogging I'm sure your purpose of starting a blog is to make money.

Which is mine too but to make money blogging you have to be able to help someone and if you want to talk about multiple things that's fine I do that too but you need to think about one reason people will actually come to your blog so I want you guys to fill in the blank for me I help people do blank mine is I help moms find legitimate ways to make money from home while raising their kids you see it's very specific the jobs.

I talk about on my website are suitable for any adult by focusing on a specific group of people has really allowed me to create an identity you see my goal is when a mom is trying to find a way that they can make money from home with their kids and they're asking for help that person would say hey you know what check out that website trying to mom job and see.

what they have so think about what people would say about your website by going to your site I can find out blank or you can learn more about blank take your time to really think about what you want your blog to be known for I also don't want you to feel like you have to be an expert on a certain topic that you want to write about because I write about making money from home but at the time I had no idea.

how to make money from home I just interviewed people who did and then I shared their stories on my website so keep that in mind I also entered a very crowded market there were a ton of people writing about different ways you can make money from home but what they failed to do was go more in-depth I wanted to see actual success stories that moms were how they were able to make money from home with their kids.

I wanted to hear from the moms I wanted to see how much they made I wanted to see what how were they able to do it with kids and those sites that I was looking for or looking at did not provide that information and I was willing to go more in-depth and give provide more value to the readers because it's what I wanted and I knew that other people would want the same type of information and that is why I started my website so find something that separates you apart from the rest and that will be your competitive edge and will be the reason that people prefer your website over others also remember.

If you ever realize that you're rather right about something else once you get started don't be afraid to pivot if you're not stuck sometimes things change and you just realize you want to write about something else this has happened to most bloggers that I actually know and but just by having a purpose for what you are blogging about will really help you stay focused now the next tip I have for you guys is to study your competition now odds are you are not the first website to try and cover this topic and if you don't know.

Who your competitors are all you have to do is a quick google search for something that you want to talk about and see what websites come up in the search results in those websites that come up are your competitors so just by studying your competition you get the advantage to see what's already working you can understand what social media platforms they use to promote their content and if it were me I would see.

which social media platform gets the most engagement and that will be the social media platform that I will focus on first I will master that before I move on to another one now I do want to stress that you never ever want to copy your competition you're just using them as a guide and for inspiration about what you can do for your website now, I dedicate my success as a blogger to just understanding my competitors business structure and how they get traffic to their website their affiliate partners and just what kind of articles to write about just so much there's so much you can learn from your competitors and I'm actually friends with my competitors.

I met them at a conference um a couple years ago and we became friends and we have helped each other out numerous different times so I definitely want to say you don't want to copy your competitive competitors because you don't want to make enemies out of them in this type of business it's much better to be friends than enemies because we can all win when it comes to this type of business all right number three is to focus on creating amazing content so if you focus on writing really helpful value-packed articles it would mean a lot more than just trying to crank out an article every single week it just takes time to make a very value-packed great article and when you are doing that there you get so many advantages when you just focus on writing a quality article.

Because if you do things like that more people will want to share your articles more bloggers will want to link your article to their website or to their articles which will give you a backlink which is great for SEO I talk about backlinks in this video if you want to check it out but then it's really great for SEO which is search engine optimization when you just write great articles google wants to show that to their users and it's a lot more when it comes to like writing articles to rank on google which I have a whole series to help you figure out how you can write your articles to rank on google which I will put in the description below but what I'm trying to say is if you write amazing articles.

It will really be beneficial to you there's another website called backlinks and they get over 300 000 page views per month and they only have 100 articles and that's very similar to mine I have around 100 articles and I get over 200 000 pages per month so I want to stress you guys to just really work on creating great quality articles that will really help you you know to do well as a blogger so to make sure that you guys are creating this great awesome content I created this SEO article checklist so you can make sure that you check everything off before you hit publish that will really help you make sure that you are creating amazing content and I'm gonna put this in the description below so you guys can download it for free at your leisure to make sure that you are creating great awesome content all right number four is to create a to-do list now starting a blog can be extremely overwhelming and I have found myself not knowing.

what I should work on and so I end up just doing nothing after I started creating a to-do list it has just given me so much structure and just the ability to just know what I should be working on for the day I would be completely lost without my to-do list and so what I do is that I make realistic goals each night before I go to bed about what I can actually accomplish the next day because with three kids by my side there's so much that I can really get done today so I just really need to hold myself accountable to that at least that one task that I have to get done for the day now you don't have to do anything fancy when you're creating your to-do list all I do is just.

I create a document in google docs I use it I usually do it on my laptop and then I love it because I can refer to it often on my phone throughout the day or if I want to add to it I can simply do that so I highly recommend doing that if you guys don't have a system already check out google docs and I love talking about my to-do list and just how I structure my days and how I've been able to do this as a blogger.

So if you guys want me to do a video let me know in the comment section below and I'll do a video on that for you guys all right number five is to make your post easy to read and you want to write like you talk you want to write like you're having a conversation with someone this will make it very feel very relatable to the reader and it will make them just enjoy reading your article because remember people or most people they just don't like to read anymore so you want to you know make them enjoy reading your article.

You also want to chop your paragraphs up no one wants to read a big block of text so I always do a return after a sentence or two when I'm writing my articles and you also want to make sure that you guys are reading your articles on your mobile phone because eighty percent of people are reading your articles from their phone so you want to make sure that it's not a big wall of text when they're reading your articles because when they see just a big block of text it will make them not want to read it and they'll just go to another site.

which is what you don't want so I did a whole video on how I write my articles to rank on google so I'll definitely put that in the description below so you guys can check that out and just to understand how I write my articles and how I've been able to probably do so well when it comes to writing and ranking on google alright so now the most important tip that I want to share with you guys is to set your expectations that this may take a while before you earn any money.

I know many bloggers that start and once they realize or aren't getting you to know making any money they just end up stopping and that is the worst thing you can do because blogging is a long game it's so worth it if you just stick with it my friends at dollar sprout they made zero dollars for 18 months but they just kept at it they were just you know being consistent persistent and saying oh we're gonna figure this out and now they make a hundred thousand dollars per month so just think if they were to quit they would not be where they are today they probably can't imagine that they are making so much money so I want to say to you guys.

when you know you're working on your blog and you don't really see results you know to come right away don't quit just keep at it you never want to quit so if you pick a certain topic to focus on you study your competition you write amazing content and you write your articles in a certain way and never give up.

you can do it you can't do anything but be a successful blogger so I hope you found these tips very helpful if you're still here watching this let me know what your favorite color is in the comment section below so it'll be like our little insider that you know you stayed around the very end all right if you guys have any questions let me know in the comment section below and I hope you like this video um give it a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe and hit that bell for notifications so you don't miss out on a blog tip for our blog tip Tuesday all right thanks guys and have a great day.

5 BEGINNER BLOG TIPS from a Full-time Blogger 2021 5 BEGINNER BLOG TIPS from a Full-time Blogger 2021 Reviewed by Muneeb Awan on April 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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